субота, 17. септембар 2011.

Want to win a t-shirt autographed by Gisele?

Gisele Bundchen wore the shirt's Night Out Fashion Vogue performed by 12 and 13.09.As an ambassador for the event in Brazil, the model came to the country for the opening cocktail party followed by fashion-charity auction held for a hundred guests at the Hotel Fasano. As she told Vogue as he prepared to go on stage and make her speech, the trip would be fast, with only three days in the country, all occupied by work. Still, before leaving the top stopped to autograph a T-shirt official FNO 2011.

The T-shirt Fashion's Night Out (with the beautiful Owlie printedsigned by übermodelcan be yours. To apply for this awardparticipate in the cultural contest that the site is now launching the Vogue.

. Sign in to post specific cultural competition within our fanpage on Facebook.

. Answer the question"In that scenario you'd like to see Gisele being clicked to aneditorial in Vogue Brazil? Why?. "The answers must be written in three linesand only in the last period in which the cultural contest between this Friday (16.09) and 14.30 nextMonday (19:09).

. Note: To participate, you need to enjoy the pages of Vogue on Facebook. Responses with more than three lines and / or postmarked after the expiration of what happens in the cultural contest will not be considered valid. Answers posted on the site, Twitter or other media channels Socias other than posting specific cultural contest on Facebook as well not be considered. Answers with offensive content will be removed and the user profile may be blocked.

. Track the results through our Twitter and Facebook pages of VogueBidder wins the shirt the most creative answer as chosen by the journal staff. Once released the result,we will contact you by email with the winner, who must report their data and address fora shirt.

Use your creativity and join us!

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